At Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and training farm, we understand that sustainable development is a team sport. To achieve our collective goal of building a resilient world devoid of poverty, food insecurity and one in which wealth is distributed equitably across societies, we recognize that we must work with partners to have a more meaningful impact. Therefore, Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and training farm works with a wide range of partners across the board to supplement the reach of all our products of Agro-tourism, demostartion and training. Some of our partners include;

  • Abesigana Dairy Cooperative Society
  • Africa Wild Life Foundation
  • Association of Pastors
  • Banks
  • Churches
  • City Gates – Migamba
  • Community Based Tourism Initiative (COBATI)
  • Corporate Associates
  • Enkoni Ya Africa
  • Farmers’ Associations
  • Gudie Leisure Farm
  • Igongo Cultural Center
  • JAPS Petrol Station and Motel
  • Kabucebebe United Farmers
  • Kyarujungu Meat Producers Cooperative Society
  • Lake Mburo National Park (UWA)
  • Mbarara City Adminisfration
  • Mbarara City Forum for Development
  • Mbarara Investors Club
  • Mbarara Municipal School/ Schools
  • Mbarara Universities
  • Media
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Gender, Labor, Youth and Social Dev.
  • Ministry of Public Service
  • Ministry of Tourism
  • Ministry of Water and Environment
  • Mizabibu Gardens
  • NARO
  • Nature Uganda
  • NSSF
  • Ntare School
  • Old Boys’ Associations
  • Operation Wealth Creation
  • Private Sector Foundation Uganda PSFU
  • Retirees Associations
  • Rotary Club, Golf Club, Business Club
  • Rwenjeru Community Tourism Camp Site
  • Rwenjeru United Traders Ltd.
  • Uganda Community Tourism Association
  • Uganda Investment Authority
  • Uganda Tourism Board (UTB)
  • Water & Pumps International
  • Wild Life Clubs of Uganda