In Africa, Agriculture is everyone’s business. Approximately, two thirds of the Sub-Saharan African population on family farms. In Uganda specifically, 72% of the population is directly or indirectly employed in agriculture. Consequently, national progression depends on its development because it enables the population to escape the scourge of food insecurity, gain meaningful employment and uplift household incomes to drive economic growth. No doubt, the sector offers the greatest potential to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality across societies. Most paramount, farmers are the last line of defence in preserving Africa’s natural heritage and environmental assets as farms are mostly rural-based on a continent that is home to the biggest chunk of arable land on the globe.

The worsening threat of climate change, disruption of natural ecosystems and rising global food demand call for deliberate efforts and strategies to empower farmers to meet the rising demand using new approaches to farming and agriculture that preserve the delicate natural environment and ecosystems, encourage the use of renewable energy and promote sustainable development.

Therefore, our farmers MUST be empowered with new eco-friendly technologies and farming methods that make their profession an economic activity that generates well-being and meets employment expectations especially for the growing numbers of the youth population in Africa while preserving nature in its organic form.

It is this approach that leaves Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and Training Farm with no choice but to take up the mantle and lead in creating the futuristic Africa politicians, optimistic economists and well-wishers keep talking about. At Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and Training Farm; we believe that to achieve sustainable development – training and skilling the Youth, farmers, community members and the General Public in innovative, sustainable methods of agricultural production is a giant step in the right direction. It is why the Director; Martin Kananura made the bold decision to turn his farm into a dedicated Agro-tourism, demonstration and training farm; to continue his lifelong work as an educationist; empowering young people to become productive and valuable members of society.

Martin Kananura has been engaged in agriculture since 1994. Upon retirement from his 36-year teaching service, Martin set out to empower fellow retirees, the youth and other farmers in the methods of Agriculture that have served him so well in making his farm a model farm from the 6 cows it started with to the over 200 heads of cattle it has now and more. The Farm which sits on 300 acres of land is located in Rwenjeru Parish, Biharwe Division , Mbarara City, South Western Region Of Uganda, 12 km from Mbarara town along the Mbarara-Masaka High way.

The farm has over 200 Heads of Cattle, 40 acres of banana plantation, an acre of horticulture and more than 100 Goats and 50 sheep. The Farm embraces modern methods of farming which include an irrigation Scheme, Animal Feed Processing, Dairy Products branding and blending.

Martin Kananura’s consultations with various public and private Agencies such as the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) and the Agro-Business entrepreneurs has led to the Farm becoming a Resourceful centre with the following focus area:

  • Modern livestock supplementary Feeding Practices
  • Farm pasture utilisation through paddocking and rotational grazing
  • Pest Control best Practices
  • Animal Care and treatment through emphasizing prevention and regular scheduled interventions
  • Water harvesting and proper storage
  • Weed Control
  • Selection of High and quality breeds
  •  Soil fertility preservation and longevity for optimum returns
  • Employment of Highly qualified personnel and selected team of competent skilled staff at the farm
  • Continuous information sharing and Knowledge tapping from experts.
  • There is a modern spray race which ensures minimal pest effect to the animals.
  • There is an established modern Milking Para that ensures quick and convenient extraction of Milk from the cows.
  •  There is a machine that prepares Silage and sets it ready for use.
