Mission: To empower the community to acquire economic Farming Skills for sustainable Homestead income generation.
Ultimate Goal: To impart knowledge and Skills to the Youth and community members for Social Transformation and economic self- sustainability through Agriculture and Mixed Farming.
Our Motto: Experience to Excel
- To train Local Community and empower people with skills necessary for Homestead Income generation in particular selected Value Chain.
- To Promote Agro-Tourism for both Local and International Tourists.
- To help the Youth, Retirees, Religious Leaders and Community participate in economic growth in the following value Chain.
- Dairy Farming: Cows, Goats and Sheep
- Banana (Matooke) Farming
- Market Vegetables farming
- Animal Feeds Production (Silage)
- Agro-Tourism
- Sport Fishing
- Camping and Picnicing
- Waste products Management and Fertilizer processing.
To apply improved modern farming methods such as irrigation Scheme for steady production and quality.
Target Groups:
Our Center of interest is in:
- Youth: : By 2030, it is projected that the number of youths will have increased by 42%. Africa’s youth population is expected to continue growing throughout the remainder of the 21st century, more than doubling current levels by 2055. These trends emphasize the crucial role the African youth can potentially play in the global drive for sustainable development. However, education systems in many countries including Uganda are leaving behind a substantial proportion of the population yet if Africa is to take advantage of its impressively young population for sustainable development, educating the youth in sustainable practical methods of work is critical. In Uganda, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics reports that Uganda’s big challenge is labour underutilization with more than one quarter of the working population (27%) underutilized in relation to time, inappropriate skills and low pay. The challenge impacts the youth as a vulnerable group – indicated by the high rate of unemployment among the youth. Therefore, young people are not making the most out of their economic potential. Equipping the youth with practical skills in sustainable methods of agriculture is paramount in bridging the skills gap. Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and Training Farm looks to make a meaningful contribution to this by training over 10,000 youth by 2025 to uplift their ability to earn.
- Retirees: A World Bank Uganda Economic Report found that Uganda has a very inefficient pension system which leaves Uganda’s elderly unable to support themselves. Consequently, they transfer the burden to the younger population which puts even more financial pressure on them. Research has further shown that many Ugandans are forced to work after retirement due to inadequate savings. As a retiree himself, Martin Kananura offers retirees an opportunity at Rwenjeru Agro-tourism, demonstration and training farm to come and learn how to make the most out of their retirement by having meaningful employment in Agriculture to live sustainable life in retirement.
- General Public: As agriculture is everyone’s business, Rwenjeru farm welcomes the general public to come tour, train and learn how to benefit from agriculture by participating directly or indirectly in the sector