Vision:  A stable income generating, Agro-Tourism Demonstration and Training Farm Resource Centre

Mission: To empower the community to acquire economic Skills for sustainable income generation.

Ultimate Goal:  To impart knowledge and Skills to the Youth and community members for economic self- sustainability through Agriculture and Mixed Farming.

Our Motto:  Experience to Excel


    1. To train Local Community and empower people with skills necessary for Homestead Income generation in particular selected Value Chain.
    2. To Promote Agro-Tourism for both Local and International Tourists.
    3. To help the Youth, Retirees, Religious Leaders and Community participate in economic growth in the following value Chain.
    1. Dairy  Farming:  Cows, Goats and  Sheep
    2. Banana (Matooke) Farming
    3. Market Vegetables farming
    4. Animal Feeds Production
    5. Agro-Tourism
    6. Sport Fishing
    7. Camping

To apply improved modern farming methods such as irrigation Scheme for steady production and Quality. To Kaku


Rwenjeru Parish

Biharwe Division

Mbarara City North

Principal Executive Director:

Mr. Kananura Martin Bareegire

Retired Teacher /Educationist


0772 490 258